Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Completely Heterosexual Man in the White Suit: Ilan Hall Channels Dirk Bogarde, "Death in Venice," in South Beach

Our first reaction to this photograph taken at the recent South Beach Wine and Food Festival was, "Wait, isn't Sam supposed to be the metrosexual?" Our second reaction was, "Is Ilan really wearing a two-tone shirt with that suit?" Our third reaction was, "Whom was he trying to channel? Dirk Bogarde? Peter Sellers? Al Pacino? Mr. Chow?" Our fourth reaction was, "How much did the suit cost?" Our fifth reaction was, "Tom, it really is time for you to shave that soul patch. Seriously. Trust us, it doesn't work for you. Ask Frank Bruni." Our sixth reaction was, "Where's Beer Bong? We thought Ilan was going to take Beer Bong with him to South Beach." And our final reaction was, "Damn, Gail, you look good."


Anonymous said...

Mike Midgley was in Miami. Michael Ruhlman mentions it in his blog article about Bourdain's speech at the SoBe event. Here is a quote from the blog: "Apparently Mikey from Top Chef was in the audience—Bourdain singled him out as an example of hope for the future of food television."

(Excuse me while I gag...)

Here's the link to the blog:

When Mike got back home, he sent a message to Marcel on his myspace: "wassup money ? how come you did not go to miami bitch. i was looking for ya" (Feb 27 2007 4:52P) (scan down comments section)

Anonymous said...

Enough with the Ilan pseudo-news!

He's only a pretender to the Top Chef throne.

Please tell us what the current reigning King Top Chef Harold is up to with his life and
forthcoming restaurant.

The Java Junkie said...

Perhaps he was having a Fantasy Island flashback...

Anonymous said...

Giggling at Death in Venice. You're too much!!

Laz said...

Gails looks supa-dupa fine but what the hell's up with Sam? Did he just roll out of bed?!?

Anonymous said...

da plane! da plane!

Anonymous said...

Its like he's the butler posing with the famous people.

BTW, keep up with the Ilan psuedo news- I enjoy the fact that this needles him. I'm one of those cave-dwelling bullies.

Anonymous said...

ick...those glasses are sooooo not cute....and were never cute....yuck....

Anonymous said...

Sam totally has a sunburn.

Anonymous said...

Gail looks HOT!
Ilan is so NOT!

Sam? Ugh, what's the dealio with that get-up?

Cave-dwelling bullies rock!

Anonymous said...

Aw, lay off Icklan.

It's hard out there for a pimp.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Bourdain is a God! He loves Mikey and for good reason. I agree with potty mouth princess. It is "hard out there for a pimp"

Anonymous said...

Gail alway look gut!

Anonymous said...

Just watched some of the TCII in reruns, and, aside from utterly loathing Ilan and Betty, I've gotten to where, with each repeated viewing, I cannot stand watching cool-guy, frat-boyish Sam. His every move seems calculated to exude the highest "braaaaah, whatever" vibe, and he joined in the embarrassing hazing and ganging on Marcel, who, with each series of reruns, comes off better and better. A late reply, but there.