Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sea Monsters--No, Possums, Not Shelley Winters--Attack "Iron Chef Japan"!

N.B. The video has been disabled, now that Sea Monster Week is over.


Anonymous said...

It will be filled with suspense, except for wondering who won't survive, mainly the critters being boiled alive.

Anonymous said...

Charlus and Miss XaXa
I know this is off-topic, but do you look at Mad Men? Are you into food history? I was thinking about food from the early 1960s. What would be on the menu at a fancy French restaurant like Lutece and a Chinese restaurant for middle class gringos? What meals would Italian immigrants / first generation Italians prepare?

aqua said...


how i've missed Iron Chef Japan. although, it was never called Iron Chef JAPAN, just IRON CHEF. as much as i love alton brown, Iron Chef America just isn't as fun to watch.

Charlus said...

Yes, dear anonymous possum, we do look at Mad Men. We're big fans of the show, and we are fascinated by the culinary aspect as much as by the design and thematic aspects. There's all the talk after Roger has his heart attack about butter and cream, and Betty's always cooking, etc. We also love food history (have you checked out the Old Foodie's blog? It's fantastic).