Possums, please forgive our primitive, Perez Hilton-level artistic abilities, but really, we're in shock. Having just this past Friday decided that no one could possibly give up an aristocratic title and the chance at transatlantic business-class airplane tickets, it turns out that Padma Lakshmi is that rare individual who can, indeed, forgo these luxuries.
And so, scarcely two weeks after becoming Lady Rushdie, Padma is divorcing her husband, or, as Miss XaXa put it, "Salman Rushdie is now divorced from reality...tv." In a statement released to Reuters, Sir Salman's spokesperson let on as how he "has agreed to divorce his wife, Padma Lakshmi, because of her desire to end their marriage." We guess that documentary must be done.
From ring finger to middle finger, just like that. Ouch!
Update: According to the ever-reliable Daily Mail (whose headline pun, "Satanic Divorcers," is not up to par), the "towering" Padma will still be able to keep the title of Lady Rushdie "unless she reverts to her maiden name or remarries. " A friend of Sir Salman's says that Sir Salman is "still very much in love" with Padma, but that she's just not into him, and describes the couple's relationship thus:
"He's totally self-centred. If you asked him about Wimbledon, 20 minutes later he would still be talking about himself. My impression of her is that she's very photogenic, but in the flesh, she's not sexy. She's incredibly dull. I have no idea how they existed on a day-to-day basis."
Apparently, they also have the most wonderful, loyal friends.
Salman got smoked. I guess Padma found Salman too boring unless there were capers. After four bad experiences with marriage, will Salman be cured?
Their divorce was the top-story on two "hard news" websites today. And "Top Chef" and "Padma" were among the top web-searches performed.
Say, you two are language experts. Check out Ilan Hall's blog at BravoTV.com. Does it seem like something Ilan could actually write?
"Apparently, they also have the most wonderful, loyal friends." Oh how true.
Knighthood has obviously lost the shine it once had.
If those two can't make it work, what hope do the rest of us have?
Eric, ask me after 6 more divorces.
Okay, okay, I just looked it up and it's a mere four divorces for the Sal-man. I gave the man Liz Taylor credit without confirming the numbers.
Shame on me. :-)
There's a wet noodle joke in here somewhere
Who gets the Tiffany bong?
I heard the bong was a Vera Wang by Wedgwood creation........
She's not so into him. Mmmm. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
so finally the trophy wife has left the old man!!
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