As you know, possums, the old adage advises leaving the kitchen when the heat gets to be too much. Fortunately, our dear friends The Gals—epicurean adventuresses, Top Chefchroniqueuses, tongue-in-cheek PhotoShoppeuses, and incurable gourmandes with a deliciously telling fixation on the undergarment choices of the high, the mighty, and the merely notorious of the food-world establishment—are nothing if not cussed, strong-minded females, which, doggone it, is just how we like our women.
These karma chameleons have therefore built themselves a new kitchen and decided to crank up the heat. Their new abode is called The Karmic Kitchen, and you are invited to pull up a chair. The Gals will, naturally, still dish up their trademark LucullanTop Chef coverage, but will also discuss all things culinary, gustatory, and gastronomic.
The table is set, the oven is hot, so come on get some in The Karmic Kitchen. If you’re good, the Gals will even let you break the dishes.
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