Monday, May 26, 2008

Andrew D'Ambrosi On Premeditated Assault, How Season 4 Almost Became Season 2, How the Judging Is Erratic, and How There Is a Lack of Integrity

Andrew D'Ambrosi on why he didn't hit Lisa Fernandes: “I signed that contract; I’m not allowed to do things. Otherwise there would have been 400% more headbutts than any other season.”

Then, in the most tantalizing--and, alas, abruptly edited--bit, Andrew and Spike discuss how Andrew planned to throw Dale Talde out a window at the "Top Chef" house after the cameras left, presumably the same night as Dale's legendary, crotch-grabbing outburst.

Andrew: “That crazy night where he yelled at everybody, I told him to shut the f up, and he didn’t shut up, and I went away for a little bit. And I came back down and he was still crying, and I’m, like, ‘Dude, you have undeserved anger,’ and for some reason that set him off….He tried to, like, run at me, and Blais tried to, like, hold him…” And that’s where Bravo cuts the tape.


hughman said...

andrew needs to go to rehab for his personality. WTF kind of person automatically goes to violence as a solution? oh yeah, a 4 year old who wants to throw blocks.

Anonymous said...

Andrew should have stayed way longer than Spike, Lisa or Dale. He was a real chef and he was very entertaining, he was far more entertaining than any of the ones above, particularly Spike or Lisa. I think the show could have been a lot stronger if they kept Andrew longer.

hughman said...

andrew's specialty was SOUP! what idiot can't make a good soup?? he was irritating not entertaining and was SO worth a boot. he rightfully was.

Anonymous said...

The 'loose cannon' persona extended beyond his temperment to his food; he was inconsistent at best, arrogant without grounds at worst. His food had Tourrette's(With apologies to those who actually have Tourette's.) and he deserved to go, proving the point that no, it isn't ALWAYS easier to get forgiveness rather than permission.

Anonymous said...

It is weird how open he is about wanting to inflict physical harm on to a woman.

Anonymous said...

Other people on this season have kicked chairs, punched walls, and with this clip,it's clear that someone actually tried to start a physical fight, but Andrew's verbally acknowledging the urge to be violent without ever exhibiting any physical anger makes him a woman-beating loose cannon...

You guys are morons.

Also, Spike was the one with a soup fixation.

Anonymous said...

funny yet strange character. i can't shake his "awesommmmmme!" after sam tasted his quickfire fruit salad. WEIRD.

Anonymous said...

bahaha that was hilarious at the end about the polish sausage. I really don't see how people hate him, he never did anything wrong! I guess being sarcastic goes over peoples heads these days.