Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Amuse-Biatch Answers Possum Query #1

Possums, let's face it, shall we? The most recent episode was dull, dull, dull--for, oddly enough, the participants appeared to enjoy themselves more than we in the audience did.

This generally violates the rules of reality television, and left us, as you no doubt have noted, very little to work with. We are therefore turning to answer your queries and questions, possums, insofar as we are able.

Without further ado, then, let us turn to Possum Query #1: Is Stephanie Izard a lesbian?

Judging by the number of you who have inquired, the question has been weighing on your minds. Miss XaXa comes down firmly on the side of "nope, straight girl." We, on the other hand, are not so sure. Needless to say, we don't know, but all we can say is, Look at the evidence and decide.


hughman said...

as Tallulah Bankhead said when asked if someone is gay, "Well he never sucked MY cock."

ergo, i have no idea about this butch, Rhoda-haired girl.

Big Shamu said...

I'm with Miss XaXa, straight. However that won't stop some ambitious lesbian from trying to score herself toaster over the lovely Faux-Chefbian Stephanie.

Anonymous said...

I'll concur that she's straight. But, I wouldn't rule out a "gay until graduation" past or other instances that blur the line between the two. As for her clothes and underwear choice, I'll just assume she's perpetually frumpy.

Disclosure: I'm a straight male, so I may have no idea what I'm talking about...

Anonymous said...

i say, self-respecting lesbian would high-five like a six year old in princess shoes in public.

Tyger Fish said...

I'm thinking straight but damn don't I wish it weren't true because I've had my eye on that girl from the first episode. I also found a picture online of her and some guy (oddly named Jan - least it seemed to be a guy) holding hands while shopping for christmas trees. I definitely think she could join the "team" any time but then I'm sure we won't find out for sure until after the Top Chef craziness dies down. One more thing... one of her interviews mentioned that she went and ate at Jen's (one of the lesbian's on the show this season) restaurant in SF while on break and is totally blown away by Jen's skills. None of this says she *is* but may still be considered possible clues to her inclinations.

Anonymous said...

She's straight, sorry ladies.